Coppetts Wood Primary School

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Headteacher's Blog  28.02.2025


I hope you all enjoyed a lovely half-term.

This week, pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 took part in Level 1 Bikeability training. After safety checks were carried out on their bikes and cycle helmets were safely in place, pupils learnt cycle handling skills, including pedalling one-handed and safe manoeuvring. They had great fun and learnt some important new skills. 

"I didn't like it... I loved it!" Robbie, Y3.

Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 can look forward to their Level 2 Bikeability training, on March 10th. This training lasts for one week and includes cycling on the local roads. Parents and carers, if your child is in Year 5 or Year 6 and you have not yet signed them up for this course, it is not too late! Contact the school office for further information and a consent form. 

From Monday, we are changing the drop-off and signing-in procedures for breakfast club. If your child attends breakfast club, please bring them to the hall door (you no longer need to buzz the gate and walk to the office) where they will be greeted and registered before going to the dining hall, for breakfast. They will then return to the hall after they have eaten, where games and activities take place. If you would like further information or you would like your child to attend our breakfast club, please contact the school office. 

Pupils in Year 4 have been super busy this week! Not only have some pupils been learning new cycling skills, they have all taken part in swimming lessons, at Finchley Lido. They have one more week of lessons to go and I am sure that they are going to continue to grow in confidence and make great progress. I think that they might also sleep very well tonight! 

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan begins this evening, with many of our families, including some of our oldest pupils, fasting until the end of March. If your child will be fasting, please could you inform the school office so that class staff can be made aware and we can be supportive and flexible, especially regarding aspects of the curriculum and school day that involve physical activity.  

Next Thursday (March 6th) is World Book Day! Please see the letter sent home to families today about what we have planned for pupils, throughout the week. To celebrate World Book Day, we would love your child to dress up, ready for a bedtime story (in pyjamas, onesie etc) or as their favourite book character. Our first Coppetts Wood house competition also launches next week. Can you earn points for your house (and maybe a prize for yourself) by creating a book in a box? Good luck everyone!

As World Book Day comes to an end, British Science Week launches, next Friday. There is lots for pupils to look forward to during this annual celebration of science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM). More details to follow! 

Date for your diary: Friday 14th March, 3.20pm - 4.20pm, you are invited to our STEM exhibition, taking place in the school hall. Come and share in your child's learning and some of the activities that have taken place during Science Week.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Please share the blog and encourage parents to download the new school app and visit the school website so that they can also receive regular news and updates. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Ms Lippa