Coppetts Wood Primary School

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Physical Education



'A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.' - The National Curriculum 

At Coppetts Wood Primary School, we recognise that physical activity and sport are essential parts of a child’s everyday life and are a key factor in their future well-being. We want every child to find enjoyment in physical activity and aim to provide them with a wide range of opportunities so that they can discover the right kind of activity for themselves and experience the benefits that an active lifestyle can provide. We aim to present them with opportunities to compete against themselves and others, work in partnerships and teams, build self-confidence and perseverance and a real sense of achievement. A key part of this will be to provide them with the necessary skills and experience needed for them to be in the best position possible to further engage in physical activity and sporting opportunities as their educational and life journey. Our aim is to prepare and support pupils towards healthy and active lifestyle choices for their future mental and physical well-being. 

A key part of our aim is to provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum and to provide the opportunities for the children to play in festivals and compete in a wide range of events. 

The aims of Physical Education (PE) at our school are that all children: 

  • Adopt an active lifestyle and understand the benefits it provides 

  • Develop a range of sporting skills across the national curriculum, including swimming 

  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time 

  • Engage in a range of competitive sports and activities 

  • Understand the importance and effect of exercise and being healthy 

  • Develop a sense of fair play and a positive sporting attitude 

  • Enjoy sporting activities and developing resilience and perseverance 

  • Have fun! 





    Physical Education National Curriculum pdf